Haskap products: unique taste, unique combination
We care very much on each step about the anthocyanins and other healthy compounds content in the product.

We are maximizing polyphenolic content in haskap end products during:




Therefore from the very beginning we cooperate with Food Science Faculties at Polish Universities and examine polyphenolic content in the berries. We grow it in the way that it stimulates it for pro-health compounds production.
Thanks to research done we know which cultivars are the best, how to grow them in optimal way, when do the harvest, how to store and process haskap berries in a way that preserves what is the most valuable in them.
We examine polyphenolic
content in the berries
content in the berries
We know which
cultivars are the best
cultivars are the best

The mutual synergistic
effect of antioxidants
effect of antioxidants
Careful processing

It is worth to note that phenolic compounds extracts from fruit are characterized by higher antioxidant activity than many pure phenolic compounds or vitamins, which could point to the mutual synergistic effect of antioxidants (Vinson 2001).
As demonstrated by clinical research, the bioavailability of those naturally occurring compounds significantly exceeds the health benefits carried by their corresponding supplements in pharmaceutical form (Sellappan 2002, Ben-Amotz 1996, Wang H 1996).
Our role is to ensure that all those compounds will not be destroyed during processing.

The best quality organic haskap berries are cold pressed, gently pasteurized and packed. We do not add any preservatives, sugar etc. What we make is just pure haskap juice. BIOHASKAP ®Vitality+ Juice made of organic haskap superberry is very rich in pigment and got Best New Product Award at BIOFACH 2019. Read more...
It has unique haskap flavor, beautiful ruby color and contains unique combination of anthocyanins and iridoids, rarely present in fruits. As potassium source it helps maintain normal blood pressure.
Organic haskap berry (Lonicera caerulea) juice 100%. Pasteurized. Contains only natural sugars. No preservatives.
Shake before opening. Sediment is natural. Store in the fridge, protect from light. Once opened consume within a few days. Expiry date is also a batch number.

Enjoy 50 ml a day or mix with other juice in proportion 3 to 1.
100 ml contains 10x more anthocynins than red wine (glass).
We sell our BIOHASKAP® Vitality juice directly to individual Customers across EU and Switzerland. The minimum order quantity is 12 or 18 bottles, 300 ml each. The BIOHASKAP® juice is so concentrated, that you can make 3 bottles of haskap drink out of 1 bottle while mixing with water or apple juice.
Each parcel is specially packed to secure glass bottles during transport. The stuffing we use in our parcels is biodegradable, so you can compost it. We deliver with courier within 4-7 days after payment.
Online shopping
Europe: shop.biohaskap.com
USA/Canada: etsy.com

BIOHASKAP® Regeneration+ powder is made of the best quality organic haskap berries which are dried in gentle process and then powdered. We do not add any preservatives, sugar etc. What we make is just 100% pure haskap powder. It took us 2 years together with our Food Faculty scientists to find the most modern drying technology that best preserves bioactive compounds and unique haskap color and flavor.
Haskap berry powder is an excellent source of anthocyanins (2300 mg/100g). Those compounds as polyphenols occur naturally in plants, but their food content differs and depends on processing technology. Other berries contain much less polyphenols than haskap berry. Those active ingredients do not accumulate in the body so every day diet should contain it. Powder has excellent haskap flavor, beautiful ruby color and contains unique combination of anthocyanins and iridoids, rarely present in fruits.
It is also natural iron source, that reduces fatique, helps in oxygen transportation in the body.
Organic haskap berry (Lonicera caerulea) powder 100%. No preservatives.
Contains only natural sugars. Store in a cool and dry place. Shake the sachet before usage. After usage seal tightly. Consume within a few weeks. Expiry date is also a batch number.

Enjoy 1 teaspoon of organic haskap powder for making smoothies with yogurt, coctails or shakes.
You may also sprinkle it on your muesli, dessert, ice-cream to give it unique haskap taste.
Cool desserts
Haskap powder is rich in anthocyanins that are not heat resistant. That’s why the best way to use it is with cool dishes.
Please have below serving suggestions. You may put BIOHASKAP® Regeneration+ powder on top of your favorite dessert, ice-creams or mix with liquids to make shakes or smoothies.

Ice-cream topping

Milkshake (dairy or vegan)

Mixed with mascarpone

Mixed with cream

Pancakes stuffing

Plain yogurt topping

Vanilla yogurt topping
We sell our BIOHASKAP® Regeneration+ powder directly to individual Customers across EU and Switzerland. The BIOHASKAP® powder is so concentrated that one sachet 50g contains 14 servings.
We deliver with post or courier within 4-7 days after payment.
Online shopping
Europe: shop.biohaskap.com
USA/Canada: etsy.com

BIOHASKAP ® dried organic haskap berry is made of only mature, best, premium berries, being sorted three times. It is ideal as a snack or added to muesli, breakfast cereals.
Crispy & fruity, high fibre gives you rich in antioxidants meal. We use modern technology low temperature drying to best preserve pro-healthy compounds and haskap flavor.
Organic haskap berry (Lonicera caerulea) dried 100%. No preservatives. Contains only natural sugars. Store in a cool and dry place. After opening close tightly

Enjoy as a snack or for making smoothies with yogurt, cocktails or shakes.
You may also add it to your muesli, desert or ice-cream to give it unique haskap taste.
Shipment up-date related to COVID-19 Coronavirus
Please be informed that TNT/Fedex are operational and we ship our BIOHASKAP® products to the Customers.
It is safe to receive a package from the area where COVID-19 has been reported, please read WHO statement
Also for the safety and wellbeing of couriers and our Customers, couriers will now only seek a verbal confirmation of delivery.
This means that our recipients will not be asked to sign for deliveries, until further notice. More information here